The Physio PS technology provides the only available means to independently and simultaneously test the P&S nervous systems.

P&S testing is an integral component of the clinical evaluation of patients with autonomic disorders. Most drugs and diseases affect only one of the two autonomic branches. P&S monitoring quantifies the individual patient’s responses to disease and therapy. Quantitative data enables a more scientific approach to individualized healthcare, potentially reducing medication load, hospitalization, and re-hospitalization, and promoting preventative, pro-active healthcare, thereby reducing healthcare costs both to patients and the nation. Autonomic testing is an established subspecialty recognized by the United Council on Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS), which certifies physicians and laboratories with training and expertise in this discipline.

Current data, which has been accumulated through scientific research and clinical experience and published in peer-reviewed journals over the past 30 years, have defined the role of P&S testing in the diagnosis and management of autonomic disorders in clinical practice. It has established the value of P&S testing in the longitudinal study of disease.

The Physio PS technology has a unique and patented technology in P&S nervous system function monitoring.

Its well-designed and proven product has been market-validated, having obtained a large customer base of active professional users, including Cardiologists, Endocrinologists, Family Practitioners, Gastrointestinal Specialists, General Practitioners, Internal Medicine Practitioners, Neurologists, Pain Management Specialists, Pulmonologists, and Sleep Medicine Specialists.

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